
SKU: FOD010 Category: Tag:

(Also known as a business angel, informal investor, angel investor, private investor, or seed investor) is an affluent individual who provides capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity.

No office was included that did not have at least an email or phone number.
Columns Number Percentage
Firms w/ AUM Present: 205 22.19%
Firms w/ Website Available: 889 96.21%
Firms w Investment Preferences Present: 832 90.04%
Contacts w/ Email Address: 2,265 99.87%
Contacts w/Phone Number: 1,755 77.38%
Contacts w/ LinkedIn Profile 2,006 88.45%
Total Number of Contacts: 2,268 100%
Total Number of Email Addresses: 4,001 100%
Total Number of Firms: 924 100%
Cells: 37,535 100%
What's Included?
Firm Name
Contact First Name
Contact Last Name
Contact Title/Position
Phone Number
Email Address
Co. Email Address
Company Street Address
State/ Province
Postal/Zip Code
LinkedIn Profile
Area of Investment/Interest
Secondary Email
Website URL

Additional information

