Family Office Database User Guide

Risk-Free Database Quality Guarantee:
We provide a 4x per-listing refund for any contact you find in our database that is not, in fact, a family office wealth management firm. For example, if 10% of the database is off or outdated, you receive 40% of your money back.
- Networking Event or Conference Announcements Easily Made Through Multiple Media Channels
- Market Research & Follow Up | Raise Capital From Family Offices
- Wider Distribution for Press Releases & Performance Updates Once Relationships Are Developed
- Road Shows & Third Party Marketing Activities
- Recruiting or Career Search Assistance
- 1, 116 unique family office entries with 2,532 contact details
- More than 50% of which has AUM of $1B+
- 2,556 rows of data
- Estimated average AUM is $800M
- Minimum AUM of clients is $20M
- Estimated total AUM is over $1T in AUM
- 35.81 United States
- 42.23% Europe
- 2.79% Canada
- 10.98% Asia
- 2.33% Australia
- 4.28% South America
- 630 Family Office entries with contact details
- 1,044 Contact Rows
- More than 86% of which have AUM
- Estimated average AUM is $800M
- Minimum AUM of clients is $38M
- Estimated total AUM is over $1T in AUM
- 48% United States
- 31% Europe
- 12% Asia
- 8% South America
- 6% Canada
- 3% Australia
Gain access to investor contact details of over 3,600 total investors from 1, 746 family offices
Work more efficiently, raise capital faster than you otherwise could
Expand your press release or newsletter mailing coverage by building direct valuable relationships
Schedule more conference calls and on-site visits with prospects
Become more efficient at accessing more than a trillion dollars in assets managed by the contacts within our database of family offices
Update your old in-house database or directory of family offices
Take advantage of the 1,000+ hours our team has invested in building the Family Offices Database to leverage your firm’s time and efforts
Complete more road shows and sets of business trip meetings
Enable your team to follow up with leads from industry conferences and meetings
Reach concentrated pools of HNW and ultra high net worth investors
The Multi-Family Office Database
1, 116 unique family office entries with 1,044 contact details
More than 50% of which has AUM of $1B+
2,556 rows of data
Estimated average AUM is $800M
Minimum AUM of clients is $20M
Estimated total AUM is over $1T in AUM
35.81 United States
42.23% Europe
2.79% Canada
10.98% Asia
2.33% Australia
4.28% South America
The Multi-Family Office Database
630 Family Office entries with contact details
1,044 Contact Rows
More than 86% of which have AUM
Estimated average AUM is $800M
Minimum AUM of clients is $38M
Estimated total AUM is over $1T in AUM
48% United States
31% Europe
12% Asia
8% South America
6% Canada
Perhaps the best testament to the value of our family office thought leadership and research is the fact that most of the largest investment banks and media companies use our services. One top five media company has enrolled an entire team of 30 professionals in our training program, and Bloomberg recently credited us publicly with helping them survey top family offices.
“I have been using the Family Office Club’s directory of family offices for several years now and it has saved my team 100’s of hours of slow research trying to collect and keep the contact details updated for the whole family office industry. "
— Gabriel Pellegrini, Global Edge Capital Management
“I purchased the Family Office Database recently and have been using it extensively for the past month. What a fantastic resource you’ve developed. Kudos to all who compiled this information.”
— Managing Director, Lexington Capital Group
"The Family Office Database is the first product that I’ve seen that is truly researched, detailed and quite accurate. It is clear that the team has spent many hours identifying and verifying family office contact information for this product. I recommend it”.
— Jim Rowe, Rowe Capital Partners
“We recently purchased your database and I have to say your data quality is awesome. Thank you very much.“
— T. B. Hedge Fund Manager, New York