This list of investor contacts will contain those investors who invest in commercial real estate along with development properties.


No office was included that did not have at least an email or phone number.
Colums Number Percentage
Firms w/ AUM Present: 515 59.61%
Firms w/ Website Available: 865 100.12%
Firms w Investment Preferences Present: 869 100.58%
Contacts w/ Email Address: 866 99.65%
Contacts w/Phone Number: 867 99.77%
Contacts w/ LinkedIn Profile 861 99.08%
Total Number of Contacts: 869 100%
Total Number of Email Addresses: 1,690 100%
Total Number of Firms: 864 100%
Cells: 16,854 100%
What’s Included?
Firm Name
Contact First Name
Contact Last Name
Contact Title/Position
Phone Number
Fax Number
Personal Email Address
Company Email Address
Company Street Address
State/ Province
Postal/Zip Code
LinkedIn Profile
Company’s Areas of Investments/Interest
Year Founded
Secondary Email
Additional Company/Contact Information
About Company
New Office